Ein Foto von Netflix und Schaumbad, beim Schwimmen oder mit den Besties beim Schlürfen eines eiskalten Starbucks-Getränks: Wenn es um Selbstdarstellung geht, sind manche Instagram-Mädels unschlagbar. Aber sie bekommen Konkurrenz: Von einem Haufen Typen, die sich jetzt genau so auf Instagram verhalten, wie wir Mädels es oft tun (gib’s halt zu)! Der Account Bros Being Basic wird dir deinen Tag versüßen: 


1. Just another lazy day in bed.

I LOVE leisurely Sunday mornings after a long week. 💓 I have a delicious bowl of @realCapnCrunch, my fave mags, Adele on the speaker, and all the #MeTime in the world. 😊😊😊 #TooBlessedToBeStressed #TakeTimeForYourself #BreakfastGoals #BrunchWithTheCrunch #MostImportantMealOfTheBae😏 #IsThatABananaOnYourSockOrAreYouJustHappyToSeeMe? 🍌🍆 #BananasNPajamas #MagSwag #YouCanFindMeInDaBookClub #SummerReadingBROgram #AlwaysABridesmaid😔 #SkipLegDayErryday #ThighGappinWithTheCapn #BrunchesOverLunges #WhoNeedsCalves💁🏼 #CankTheTank #CerealKiller😈 #ImTheCaptainNow #OJmoreLikeBroJ #GotMilk🍼 #SheWantsTheVitaminD 😏 #WatchMeSipNowWatchMeLayLay #TigerBeatOnFleek #MilkMustacheRides #CapInMyLap #TheCrunchBowl #iNeedAbigSpoon 😉 #BrosBeingBasic thx to leg model @cdupreecomedy😍 GUESS WHAT, we’re giving away a massive supply of Cap’n Crunch to the best alternative caption for this photo! Hit us with your funny, Cap’n lovers! 👊🏽

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2. Nail Goals


3. Pregnant and happy <3


4. Fashion Blogging


5. Young, Wild and Free <3



OMG we’ve had the BEST time at #Brochella! 🙌🏼 Move over #Kendall and #Taylor, we definitely had the best #FestivalFashion this year. 💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼 #FamilyPhoto #FestiesWithOurBesties #FlowersOnFleek🌺🌺🌺 #QueensAlwaysWearCrowns 👸🏾 #YAASS #BeThinAndShowSomeSkin 👙 #TummyTime #HotPantsWillMakeHerDance #SquadGoalsMoreLikeQuadGoals #LegDayMoreLikeLegBae #CamelToeMoreLikeCamelBro 🐫 #SkiesOutThighsOut #ShadyLadies 😎😎😎 #BaeCaughtUsStruttin #AndWeSlayAllDay 🔪#okLadiesNowLetsGetInFormation 🙆🏽 #PoseBeforeHoes #CelebStatus #VIPBroseGarden 🌹 #Coachella2016 #IndibroCalifornia #BrosBeingBasic via @mikenardelli17 ➡️➡️➡️ PS follow our #Brochella adventures on Snapchat „brosbeingbasic“ 💥

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7. Quality time mit den Besteeeen <3


8. Yaaay, Frühling!!


9. Suns out, Buns out!


10. Besser als Kim K.


11. Follow Me <3


12. Zähneputzen nicht vergessen 😉


13. Thigh Gaps.



It’s the most wonderful gift of the year! 🎉🎄🎅🏽🎁 Completely OBSESSED with @FabFitFun’s winter box filled with amazing, full-size products like Juara Candlenut Body Creme for #SilkySoftSkin, reed diffuser for setting the mood, @dermalogica travel set (my FAVE skincare brand!), fab @frends earbuds (so I can rock Bieber’s Christmas album at the gym, duh🎤), exclusive #FabFitFun wine stopper + charm (HAPPY #WINESDAY, betches!🍷🍷🍷), the best fingerless gloves by @whitneyeveport, and so much more. You can get ALL OF THIS (value: $250+) for just $40 using code BASIC — shop at **fabfitfun.com** One box and you can cross off the ladies on your list…or keep it all for yourself. 💁🏼 (Disclaimer: Hot bro not included.) #TreatYoSelf #HappyHolibaes #GetGiftyButKeepItThrifty💸 #BaeCaughtMeBoxin📦 #PresentGoals #JingleBalls😏 #brOChristmasTree #brOChristmasTree🎄 #LongHairDontCare #PanteneBroV #FatFitAndFunOnFleek #BrosBeingBasic @tribblereese | Get your box at fabfitfun.com + use code BASIC to save! 💥

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