Das eigene Hochzeitskleid ist etwas ganz besonderes: Es soll die Schönheit der Trägerin am besten zur Geltung bringen und ihr an ihrem großen Tag das allerbeste Gefühl geben – so viel zur Theorie. In der Praxis ist das Kleid aber einfach schweineteuer und fristet nach der Hochzeit ein Dasein im Kleidersack. Schade, eigentlich. 

Zumindest bei den meisten: Denn Samantha Burnes führt ihr Hochzeitskleid jedes Jahr einmal aus – an ihrem Hochzeitstag. 

Woohoo, my article was featured in @brides on Tuesday and was their most popular post for the day! If you haven’t read it, Google „Samantha Burns Brides“ or it’s called „Why This Bride Wears Her Wedding Dress Every Year.“ I’ve been getting really awesome comments on FB inspiring former brides all over the country to do the same! . . . #brides #lovesuccessfully #weddinganniversary #weddingdress #couplesgoals #igcouples #couplesofinstagram #relationshipgoals #anniversary #anniversaryweekendgetaway #anniversaryweekend #weddinggowns #mrandmrs #traditions #wifegoals #wifestyle #wifeyforlifey #wifeforlife #wifepoints #marriageadvice #couplestherapy #bride👰 #formerbride #weddingday #bridesmagazine #bridesmag

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Dabei macht sie verschiedene Sachen mit ihrem Ehemann, zur Feier des Tages: Sie gehen Eis essen, surfen, Golf spielen – und das alles im Brautkleid


Ihre Beweggründe sind auch ziemlich genial: So nimmt sie ihr Brautkleid quasi als Motivationsgrund, um Sport zu treiben – damit sie jedes Jahr wieder reinpasst. Außerdem fühle sie sich einfach besonders in ihrem Kleid, all die romantischen Erinnerungen an ihre Hochzeit kehren dann wieder: Eine süße Tradition!

I told my husband that as long as I can still fit into my dress (fitness motivation 😉), I’ll be wearing it each year on our anniversary and doing fun things in it that we enjoy as a couple! Last year it was golf, pancakes, and a candy shop in Cape Cod…this year we are currently in an Uber off to a surprise date in Boston! 👰🏻🏌💕 . @taylormadegolf @callawaygolf @titleist new bridal line!? . . . #marriedlife #mrandmrs #marriage #weddingdress #golf #weddinganniversary #relationshipgoals #marriagegoals #trulove #soulmates #couplesofinstagram #happywifehappylife #hubbywifey #husbandandwife #happycouple #wedding #couplesgoals #fitness #fitspiration #coupleswhogolf #swolemates #boston

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Excited to be celebrating my second wedding anniversary today! Science has shown that couples in happy, stable and secure long-term relationships are better prepared to thrive. Research supports that these couples are healthier, they have lower blood pressure, decreased stress, anxiety and physical pain, they live longer, and they seek out more support. Individuals in these relationships have more confidence and view themselves more positively. They can better solve problems and are more successful in achieving their individual goals. I am a lucky woman to have such a rockstar teammate who helps make my dreams a reality. Thank you, husband, for helping me be a stronger, healthier, and more successful individual, and making it easy to be a grateful, connected, and loving couple 💋💑👰🏻💗 . . . #lovesuccessfully #couplesofinstagram #wedding #weddinganniversary #marriage #marriedlife #marriagegoals #relationshipgoals #relationship #love #lovequotes #husbandandwife #mrandmrs #hubbywifey #ido #happycouple #igcouple #couple #weddingphoto

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