In ihren Teenagerjahren litt Jayne an Magersucht. Gemeinsam mit ihrer damaligen besten Freundin ritt sie sich immer tiefer in die Krankheit hinein. Sie hasste ihren Körper, ihr Spiegelbild, sich selbst. Heute ist die Britin 22 Jahre alt und berichtet auf ihrem Blog bodyposipanda über den Kampf gegen die Magersucht. 

One day you’ll see. The moments of your life that you’ve missed. The memories that were made to light up your mind with smiles in vivid colour. But instead, they are dull. They were dulled. By a mind that could never truly live in that moment, too consumed by the ever present mirror forcing your reflection to the forefront of your thoughts. You cannot truly live with that mirror, looming over all that you do, and all that you are. One day you’ll see, that it was inside you all along – the power to smash the mirror into pieces too small to ever pierce through your self esteem again. One day you’ll see, that you could have lived unburdened by lies about your worth residing in your reflection. That you could have laughed with your whole body shaking. That you could have devoured every bite without shame. That you could have lived every moment, for yourself. One day, you will see. And I can’t think of a better day than the one you’re living right now. 💜💙💚🌈🌞

Ein von Megan Jayne Crabbe 🐼 (@bodyposipanda) gepostetes Foto am

Die 22-Jährige hat gelernt sich zu lieben und zelebriert ihre Kurven auch mit wunderschönen Fotostrecken, die sie auf Facebook und Instagram postet. Die Collagen, die die Britin im Netz postet, zeigen die drastische Veränderung ihres Körpers. Während sie in ihrer frühen Jugend lediglich Haut und Knochen war, sieht die junge Frau heute gesund, vital und bezaubernd aus.

You can get there. Maybe right now you can’t see a way out. Maybe you’ve been dragged into the depths of self hatred, and you just can’t see a way back up. We’ve all been poisoned by a world that profits from us hating our bodies, and if they had their way we’d be tied down forever. Paying for their impossible idea of perfection with our money, our self esteem, our happiness. But I know that you can break free. Because I did. You just have to believe that you can. You have more strength inside of yourself than you will ever know. You are powerful. Powerful enough to rip off those chains holding you down, and refuse to believe that you aren’t good enough any longer. You’ve spent enough of your life shackled by other people’s expectations. It’s time to be free, and embrace the beautiful body positive warrior that’s been in you all along. If this girl can get there, I know that you can too. 💜💙💚🌈🌞

Ein von Megan Jayne Crabbe 🐼 (@bodyposipanda) gepostetes Foto am

I want you to know that this isn’t your fault. All those thoughts about your body, all those things you hate about yourself – they didn’t spring to life all by themselves. You live in a world that has taught you self hatred so well, and for that you hold no blame. It’s not your fault that this world made you believe that your beauty can be seen in a mirror alone. It’s dazed you with a blur of magazine covers and makeover shows. It’s not your fault that this world tells you to value thin over everything, closing it’s eyes to the people that sends to an early grave. Nobody told you that you don’t exist to look like an empty image of photoshopped ‚perfection‘. Nobody told you don’t exist to be looked at. If I could, I’d take you away. I’d put you in a world that teaches the truth – that you exist as so much more than a body. So when you’re struggling, when those thoughts won’t go away, when all the body positivity in the world won’t quiet those voices. Just know that it isn’t your fault. And that somewhere, there’s another world where you can see how beautiful you really are. 💜💙💚🌈🌞

Ein von Megan Jayne Crabbe 🐼 (@bodyposipanda) gepostetes Foto am

Mit ihrem lebensbejahenden Projekt möchte sie Mädchen, die an Essstörungen leiden, helfen, sich selbst zu akzeptieren und einen Ausweg zu finden.

Wir finden: Die Welt braucht mehr Frauen wie Megan!